Auto Related Links
If you have a site that should be listed here, just let me know. Thank you. I've broken the links into the following categories: Personal Pages - pages individuals have put together to entertain and offer valuable information for their peers generally these sites don't sell anything, Car Clubs and Organizations - these site will most likely have event information, pictures from their car shows, news and information that pertains to the sport/recreation of rodding, etc, and Commercial - for those of you looking for parts and services these people want your money, and you probably want their products (a perfect trade), some of the vendors will give you a discount if you mention you that I (Mike's Hot Rod Pic of the Week) sent you; they are denoted with the discount available next their link. Within each category there is no order, I generally add links to the top or bottom depending on how I feel. Of course anything that really interests me is probably at the top of a category, but if it's listed chances are its worth listing and I do try to keep it up to date.
Personal Pages

- Project '33 is the first (so he claims, and I believe) complete street rod project to be documented on the web as it progresses from start to finish.
- Woody's Ford Fairlane siteFast Fairlane for some of you Fairlane fans like me (especially the '66 & '67s).
- Don Leiske's Street Rodding page.
- Hot Rod Art by Tim Woods
Car Clubs and Organizations

- Adventist Rodders Club is a colllection of Adventist and non-adventist that love neat cars (rodded or not, american or import).
- GoodGuys Rod and Custom Association (a car club). Sort of like NSRA, but less exclusive.
- Rocky Mountain Region SCCA Solo pages covers all the local need to know and then some for Solo II and Solo Trials in the Rocky Mountain Region
- Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) National website covering all aspects of SCCA racing and links to all the regional sites
- Ford Contour Enthusiast Group website offers a horde of information for owners of Ford's current compact and its siblings the Mercury Mystique and (European) Ford Mondeo. Don't miss the Contour-L Mailing List if you own one of these cars.
- ColoRODans of Longmont - a car club I was a member of when I lived in Longmont, CO. These guys are great and they put on a great show. Check out their page for information on the next event.
- Umpqua Flatheads - a car club in Oregon that host Graffiti weekend (one of the events I've attended and have pictures from/of).
- Fordnatics - 'nough said (as if my bias wasn't enough already)
- Rock 'n' Rod has photos from events, event listings, links to other rod pages, etc.
- is another megasite for rods.
- Fairlane Club of America for all you Fairlane fans.
- Ford Galaxie Club of America, a Fairlane look-a-like (Or is the Fairlane a Galaxie look-a-like? Umm...?).
- Hotrods World Wide is the place to go. It is an E-zine with an extensive list of automotive links (especially rods stuff).
- where a CAR can be a CAR, wait I think I stole that from someone else, oh thats right Toy's 'R' Us where a KID can be a CAR, no wait I've got it where a KID can be a KID. I guess that may have been stretching it a bit though.
- Roadsters Index another cool site.
- Motorsport Performance Mall

Commercial Pages
- Pickup Specialties - The Truck Accessory Superstore!
- Dakota Digital Car Audio, Instrumentation, & Accessories. These guys make neat stuff and will do custom packages for you, just give them a call. And their customer service is great, I ordered a kit from them and had to return it and it wasn't a hassle at all.
- Auto Krafters specializes in classic Ford parts.
- Dearborn Classics is another Ford specialist.
- Mac's Antique Auto Parts has fifteen BIG FREE catalogues for most old FORD vehicles and street rods. YES I said street rods, they've got a street rod parts catalogue and it can be yours for free.
- MSD's home page for all those cool ingnition parts.
- Having problems locating a rod shop or rod parts place? Go to The Auto Channel: Directory of Street & Custom Rod Shops and you may not need to look any farther. Then again you might still want to go hunting.
- Looking for an old Ford? Look no further, just go to CARS - Ford listings. Or for a more complete listing of manufactures try the Classic Auto Registry Service.
- GRIFFIN Radiator Manufacturing
- Flex-a-Lite for all your automotive cooling needs.
- Hagerty Auto Insurance
- Stovebolt Engine Company specializes in hi-performance GM in-line six products.